Wednesday, February 16, 2011

dear sweet tiny infant jesus!!!

I went to the doctor's today because I had massive swelling and pain in my ankle. Turns out im just 9 months pregnant haha. Apparently I have beautiful ankles for being so far along. Partially because I actually have ankles lol :)

We went ahead and had our prenatal appointment while I was there and aHH big news!
---** I am 1 1/2 cm dilated! My cervix or whatever lining is 50% thinned out, and the baby low and head down, ready to go!

After explaining all this to me, my doctor looks at me and says, "You look shocked."
Uhm, yeah. Just a little. I didnt think you started dilating until you were actually IN labor. I learn something new everyday lol.

So thats where we are. 1 1/2 cm dilated and 50% thinned out. Weighing in at 143 lbs.
Guess we should start getting our bags together!! I spent the rest of today cleaning, organizing, washing and freaking out haha.

Cant wait to see everyone this weekend!! :)


  1. Oh boy! Hang in there little guy. We got a party Saturday!

  2. Here is another test in patience, you could walk around a couple of weeks dialated and ready to go! Amazing how our body's work on auto pilot. Just breathe!
