Wednesday, January 19, 2011

uhm what day is it?

So i've pretty much been feeling under the weather for a few days. Last night was so AWFUL! On top of  having the sudden urge to pee wake me up, I was also congested and joined by my good friend Heartburn. Then you know once you get up it takes forever to get comfortable again. So not fun. I feel bad because everytime I get up or move, Chico shoots out of bed yelling "Baby are you okay!!?!" Its actually really cute but I still feel bad waking him up. Hopefully he'll be as alert when I go into labor haha. Anyways, I still woke up and dragged myself to work. Bleh.

Spent my day surrounded by snotty nosed little toddlers. What else is new hah. But i really havent seen so much snot in a while! Boogers and poop. That was pretty much my day. Now im sitting at home feeling like crap but much more content in my bed :)

We recently started talking about whats going to happen when the day comes to deliver this baby. Chico is already making plans to get out of classes haha. My last day of work is March 2, leaving me 13 days till baby's due date to get myself together. Hopefully he stays in until then!!! We are going on our Labor and Delivery Class/Tour of the hospital tomorrow, so that will give us more of an idea of what things we need to talk about more. So exciting!!

Thats pretty much it for today. Not very exciting but one day closer :)

Heres what Mommy and Daddy look like :)


  1. Let's hope Francisco wakes up this fast the next 24 months or so. HA HA!

  2. Lita (short for abuelita)waiting for some more updates!!! Come on get to it!
