Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hospital Tour

So sorry have been veeeeeerrrrry tired and annoyed with work hence the lack of updates. Anyways....

On Thursday (Jan20) we went to the Roseville hospital where we are planning on delivering. It is 20 minutes or so north of us but I'm willing to suffer a little bit to get treated by nice liberal people and not risk the ghetto-ness at South Sac (which is only an exit away!). Call me crazy but Im gonna do it!

We sat through a little powerpoint presentation which was nice. It also scarred us BOTH for life when we had to watch the video about post-partum recovery. Not fun.
The facility itself is REALLY REALLY nice!! The staff is also very friendly and "liberal", which I am very happy about. I feel like it would be a very supportive environment for us since I want a natural birth and none of those unnecessary procedures done. I would have my own private room for labor & delivery, and another private room for post-partum. Both rooms are a good size with a flat screen tv, sleeper bed for my partner, a nice bathroom/shower and dvd player. The waiting rooms are also pretty nice with TVs and vending machins and there is a cafeteria with pretty good food too. Even better, I have 24 hr visiting hours and there is no limit on how many guests I may have at a time. Good news for me with this big family I have! BUUUT --> we decided no visitors until AFTER the baby is out and mommy & daddy have spent at least an hour alone with him. Its for everyone's safety trust me haha. Sorry none of you get to see me sweaty and screaming i know you are disappointed :)

It was a nice night. It helped me to feel a little less nervous about labor/delivery since it gave me a better idea of what to expect. It also made everything a bit more real for the both of us. I finally got Chico to admit he is a tiny bit nervous haha. (He says he cant be nervous because I am. If we are both nervous he says it wont be good. SO he has to stay positive and disgustingly excited haha) But I do feel less nervous now and even more motivated to get this baby out! I know its not going to be easy but interestingly enough Im super pumped for the challenge :)

All in all a good night :)

1 comment:

  1. Yikes the big day is a coming fast. Good you know where you will be delivering. You're going to have to send a map so that we know where to go and we will figure out how Ale will be able to get to Roseville when the time comes. Francisco is doing his fatherly duty to be the strong one and positve, that's very nice. Let's see how much he can handle, ha ha!
