July 10, 2010- The morning of Grandma&Grandpa Servin's wedding anniversary. Peed on a stick that would change life forever. Needless to say that was a hard day to get through. Nothing like having a HUGE secret around the WHOLE family.
August 2, 2010- Had our very first doctor appointment. Found out i was 6 weeks & 6 days pregnant. Saw the little guy for the first time. This is what he looked like ---->
September- Heard baby's heartbeat for the first time :)
September 25,2010- Daddy proposed to Mommy on the Sacramento River Dinner Cruise. Brownie points! Here is what we looked like (I am 4 months-ish pregnant) ----->
Sometime in October - Felt baby move for the first time! We went bowling with another couple and I rolled a strike. Baby kicked when I jumped up to celebrate.
October 28, 2010- Had our first ultrasound. Found out we were having a BOY! This is what he looked like (his head is to the left)
Heres what I looked like around October/November
December 29, 2010- Passed the gestational diabetes test :) Doctor said I was measuring small so she scheduled another ultrasound to make sure he was growing alright.
January 4, 2011- Had our 2nd ultrasound. Turns out baby wasnt small, he was actually measuring 2 weeks ahead of mommy!! This is what baby looked like (his big ol' head) ---->
Name: Giovanni Alejandro CataƱo
Due Date: March 15, 2011
Age: negative 32 weeks haha (since he isnt out yet)
Size: about 4 or 5 lbs, 17 inches long (head to toes)
Favorite Foods: Tamales, Honey Bunches of Oats, LIFE Cereal, Chocolate Pudding, Yogurt
Favortie Pastimes: Kickboxing in mommy's tummy, especially when she is trying to rest! Listening to daddy read him stories and mommy complaining about her job :)
So thats the last 7 months in a nutshell! Hope you all enjoy the rest of my pregnancy through this blog :)
Yippee I'm the first! I can't wait to see regular updates as I miss you so much. I am looking forward to my new baby grandson Giovanni. This is such a special time for you and Francisco, everything is new. Continue to love eachother, keep God close and your familia will flourish!!! We love you and are always here for you!
ReplyDeleteSo you've joined us bloggers. It's a great way to keep a journal of your life.
OMG, I think I'm doing this right?! I'm not a blogger but here I am now blogging :) So glad you put this on. Gives me a chance to tell you that you have been on my mind alot. I sent you a text telling you I had the "yippie!" feeling for the thought of the new little one that I can't wait to see and hold. So excited. Glad to hear you and Francisco talking about what is going to ineveitably happen, "Take mommy to the hospital!" I will assume grandma lucita will be the one calling us all when that happens. Hold on to these special weeks comming, and for that matter, all the days to follow. Our children are big blessing and there are no words that can express how much of a blessing they are. I just hope you and Francisco (is there a short name I may use, oh yeah Chico!) will cherish it all and each other. Love you both ~Tia Mima~